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HTTP Requests


This page is about HTTP requests that are going from your application to some remote server.

To perform such HTTP request, this framework is using cURL so you need to have php8.1-curl extension installed on your system.

All PHP classes are within the \Koldy\Http namespace, so in order for example to work on this page, you have to:

use Koldy\Http;

Quick Request

There are few methods prepared for you to make quick HTTP requests:

$response = Request::get('https://koldy.net');

$response will be instance of \Koldy\Http\Response which has all the information you need, like:

echo $response->getBody();
echo $response->getHttpCode(); // 200 if it's OK
echo $response->getTotalTimeMs(); // get total execution time in milliseconds

To set additional parameters and/or request headers to quick requests, simply append it as:

$params = ['page' => 2];
$headers = ['Content-Type', 'application/json'];
$response = Request::get('https://koldy.net', $params, $headers);

Beside Request::get(), you can use Request::post(), Request::put() and Request::delete().

Constructing Request With More Options

To construct Request object with more options, simply initialize new instance:

$request = new Request();
$request->setParam('page', 2);
$request->setHeader('auth', md5('secret'));
$request->setOption(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
$request->setOption(CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5);

$response = $request->exec();

In the example above, you can see how to define request with all optional settings. When using setOption() method, feel free to use any CURL_* PHP constant with corresponding value.


When troubleshooting, you can call $request->debug() or $response->debug() or simply print these variables and you'll get some useful information about the performed actions.