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This is set of useful methods. Most of it is used by framework internally, but you're free to use it for yourself as well.


Parses given string and replaces URLs in string with <a href="url">url</a>. You can set HTML target attribute if you provide it as second parameter.


Converts all apostrophes ' into HTML's &apos; in given string.


Useful if you want to print value to HTML's attribute and you want to be sure that there won't be any characters that might destroy your HTML structure.


<a href="/home" title="<?= \Koldy\Util::attributeValue('Place any "text" here and <b>nothing unsafe</b> will happen!') ?>">
    Some value


Gets back camel-case string. You can read more about this on Wikipedia.


This method cleans given string from new line and tab characters and it removes double spaces.

$string = "This   Really made
my    day  ";

echo Util::cleanString($string); // prints: "This Really made my day" 


Returns true if string given as first parameter ends with the string given as second parameter.


Returns true if given array is associative array.


Returns true if method detects some binary specific characters in given string.


This is simple parser which "detects" blocks of texts in your string and puts them within <p> tags.

Example: if you have this text:

Lorem ipsum

dolor sit amet

It'll become:

<p>Lorem ipsum</p><p>dolor sit amet<br/>period.</p>


This simply replaces quotes " in your string and replaces it with &quot;.


Generates random string using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(). It'll return all possible English lower and uppercase letters with numbers, not just hexadecimal string.

First parameter is the length of the string you want to get back as result.


This method returns string prepared to be used in URLs as slugs. It is useful when you want to convert your article's title into SEO friendly slug that needs to be used in URLs.

This method does much more than regular lowercase, dash instead of space and etc. Here are few examples:

input output
The article title the-article-title
It wasn't the best - idea it-wasn-t-the-best-idea
Driver made $1500 of damage driver-made-usd1500-of-damage
ß ss
Å” r


Returns true if string given as first parameter starts with the string given as second parameter.


Gets the hex value representation of given string.


This simply replaces HTML tag characters < and > into HTML's &lt; and &gt;.


This is standard string truncating operation, when you need to truncate long string but without breaking the text in the middle of word.