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File Logger

This logger will dump all log messages to file on file system. It'll try to write to file as soon as you call any of methods in Log class.


    'enabled' => true,
    'adapter_class' => '\Koldy\Log\Adapter\File',
    'options' => [
        'path' => null,
        'mode' => 0777,
        'log' => ['debug', 'notice', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'sql', 'critical', 'alert', 'emergency'],
        'dump' => ['speed', 'memory', 'whitespace']



This is path to folder on filesystem where log files should be written. If it's set to null, then framework will try to use log folder within your storage folder.


If log folder doesn't exist, framework will try to create it with the mode you provide here. If it's not set or it's set to null, then 0644 will be used.


This is standard array of all log message levels that you want to forward to this logger.


This is standard array of what you want to see when CLI script is done.

File Name Function

This is optional function which can be used to generate file name dynamically. E.g.:

'file_name_fn' => function () {
    $dt = gmdate('Y-m-d-h');
    return "file-{$dt}.log";

In this case, you'll get log files per date and per hour. It's easy to combine any other data, such as IP or host name or anything else you find useful.

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