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Framework is using configs for its own stuff, like database connections, cache adapters, mail adapter, session settings and etc. and we've noticed we have two types of configuration file structure that we call simple config and pointer config.

You can use both types for your own configuration files.

File Location

To create your own configuration file, the easiest way is to put PHP file in configs directory. Beware that directory location for configs is set in configuration under paths. However, sometimes you might want to make exception for one config file's location only. In this case, you should override location for that file only under config key.

Creating your own configuration file is easy. Depending on what you need, you can write simple PHP return array statement with any structure you want, or you can use pointer file config.

Simple Config

For example, you can put this site-conf.php to your configs directory.


return [
    'site_title' => 'My cool site',
    'google-analytics-id' => 'xxx123abc',
    'supporting' => [
        'api' => 'Yes.',
        'mobile-app' => 'Partially',
        'integration' => 'In development.'

You can get your config by calling Application::getConfig('site-conf'). It returns instance of Config or throws exception if there's something wrong.

$config = \Koldy\Application::getConfig('site-conf');


Call return value
$config->name() returns site-conf
$config->getFullPath() returns full path on filesystem to the file from which config was loaded
$config->getData() returns whole array from configuration file
$config->get('site_title') returns My cool site
$config->get('google-analytics-id') returns xxx123abc
$config->has('car-model') returns false because it doesn't exists in config
$config->getArrayItem('supporting', 'api') returns Yes.
$config->get('supporting') returns array under key supporting

Pointer Config

Unlike simple config files, pointer config file is array of blocks of config where key can point to another block. The best example of this is database config where you can have more than one configuration blocks when connecting to multiple database servers. The key of the block is database connection's name. If you don't specifically say which connection you're using, framework will use 1st key from config. If key has the string for its value, then value will be used as key to next block. So, if you place in your config something like 'default' => 'db2' on first place and then you try to grab the database connection without specifying name or you want to use default connection, framework will actually search for db2.

Here's the real world example. Imagine this is database.php in your configs directory.


return [
    'default' => 'admin',
    'website' => [
        'type' => 'mysql',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 3306,
        'username' => 'vagrant',
        'password' => 'vagrant',
        'database' => 'vagrant',
        'persistent' => true
    'admin' => [
        'type' => 'postgres',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 5432,
        'username' => 'vagrant',
        'password' => 'vagrant',
        'database' => 'vagrant',
        'persistent' => true,
        'schema' => 'public'

You can get your config now as:

$config = \Koldy\Application::getConfig('database', true);

Second parameter tells the framework it is pointer config. Now you can use your config like:

Call return value
$config->get('default') returns array under admin key
$config->get('admin') returns array under admin key
$config->get('db2') throws exception because db2 doesn't exist

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