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Koldy framework provides easy database querying either through raw statements or by using its simple ActiveRecord implementation. You are not encouraged to write SQL statements unless there's no other way.

All database queries can be simply logged if you enable sql in Log config. When using framework's ORM, all generated SQL statements will be nicely formatted and logged so you can troubleshoot it easily.

We highly recommend that you enable sql file log in development and monitor your log file with Less, Tail or any other program that can show appends to a file. By doing that, you'll see all database queries you call using framework's methods.


Configuration for databases you want to access should be placed in configs directory and it has to be pointer config style.

Configuration example:


return [
    'default' => 'admin',
    'website' => [
        'type' => 'mysql',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 3306,
        'username' => 'vagrant',
        'password' => 'vagrant',
        'database' => 'vagrant',
        'persistent' => true,
        'adapter_options' => [
    'admin' => [
        'type' => 'postgres',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 5432,
        'username' => 'vagrant',
        'password' => 'vagrant',
        'database' => 'vagrant',
        'persistent' => true,
        'schema' => 'public'
    'file' => [
        'type' => 'sqlite',
        'path' => 'storage:data/mydb.sqlite'
    'file2' => [
        'type' => 'sqlite',
        'path' => '/var/db/mydb.sqlite'

As you can see in examples above, it is key-value configuration. Keys are database adapter connection name, so in this example, database connection names are default, website, admin, file and file2.

When you try to use database and you don't provide adapter name, framework will try to use the first key from configuration. Since this is pointer config file and default points to admin, admin adapter connection will be used by default.

In the configuration example above, you have example of connecting to MySQL, PostgreSQL and Sqlite databases. All these configuration blocks are similar, but each database has slightly different configuration options which can be found in the following sections.

If you need to get the database Config instance for some reason, please use:

$config = \Koldy\Db::getConfig();


To setup connection to MySQL database, use the following config options:

key description value
type The connection type, used by framework required: mysql
host Host name of database, can be IP or domain required
port Database port optional, 3306 by default
username Database username required, or leave empty string
password Database username required, or leave empty string
database Database name on which you're trying to connect required
persistent Boolean flag weather you want your connections to be persistent required
adapter_options Array of additional PDO constant options optional, check PDO MySQL


To setup connection to MySQL database, use the following config options:

key description value
type The connection type, used by framework required: postgres
host Host name of database, can be IP or domain required
port Database port optional, 5432 by default
username Database username required, or leave empty string
password Database username required, or leave empty string
database Database name on which you're trying to connect required
persistent Boolean flag weather you want your connections to be persistent required
schema The schema you're connecting to optional
adapter_options Array of additional PDO constant options optional


To setup connection to MySQL database, use the following config options:

key description value
type The connection type, used by framework required: sqlite
path Path to database file required
adapter_options Array of additional PDO constant options optional

If path starts with storage:, then file path will be relative to the application's storage directory.